Saturday, May 1, 2021

Learning "Transportation" through media player (3rd content based learning material)


Class: VI

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Moving around and keeping in touch

Objectives of the material:

After referring to the learning material (watching video), each child will be able to:

v  tell why people travel.

v  describe the modes of transport people use to travel.

v  describe the different means of communication.


How did I create the content based material?

To make this material, I have used textboxes and word styles, shapes and colors. I have also used animations using custom animation and effects, to make movements of all modes of transportation. To have successful simulation for that, various kinds of custom animations were used such as adding effects (effect options), set timing for appearance of each animated objects in the slideshow.

In the first slide, I have used a textbox to insert the definition of the key term ‘transportation’. Then I formatted the sentence using the ‘word style’. Animations of the text were done using the custom animation, adding effects of the text by ‘box entrance’. I kept the text to ‘start with previous’ appearance on slideshow. Also, there were effect options, so I changed the elements of the effect and timing could also be changed at the same time.

In the following slides, I included each mode of transport that is land transport, air transport and water transport where I drew a car and the road, an aero plane and sky, ship and water, on which it moves. Different shapes (circle, cylinder, and manual input from flow chart and colors were used while creating the pictures. After completion of the drawings, I made the pictures move by animating the parts of the objects using ‘custom animation’. Then, I inserted the sound effects of all mode of transport in the presentation.

The sounds/audios of each means of transport were inserted accordingly from which I had downloaded from the Mp3 juice link. I downloaded the sound effects of vehicle moving as well as horn, aero plane flying sound effect, horses neighing and galloping sounds, telephone ringing audio, radio playing songs, etc. I really enjoyed searching for those sound effects and inserting them in my power point for the learning. Out of many sound effects, I had to select the best suitable and authentic sounds/audios for teaching the children appropriately.

At last, I went to the ‘file menu’, and did ‘save as’ as ‘windows media player’ which converted my simulated learning material to a video lesson. Then I saved the file in the ‘desktop’ and inserted the video file in the blog.


How to use the material?

Since I have created the material as a video lesson, the children will watch the video thoroughly and will learn about different modes of transportation through the video. It will be used during the whole learning process such as during the lesson introduction, lesson development and lesson closure. The material can be used for all the learning process while students need to refer to the learning material to carry out the learning activity properly.


Learning Activity


1.      List the names of the modes of transport.

2.      Write the benefits of each means of transport.

3.      List the disadvantages of each means of transportation.

4.      What are the means of communication?

5.      What means of communication do you use the most?

6.      Describe about your favourite means of transportation. Explain why you like it. 

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