Monday, May 17, 2021

5th ICT content-material (June)

The link provided below will access the children to the learning material:

Domestic animals

Class: II

Subject: English

Procedures for creating content based-material

I constructed the simulation using power-point. This simulation is mainly designed for class two students subject English. Domestic animal is the topic that I chose from English subject for students to know more about domestic animals and to make the class engaging and interesting. I have made the simulation in one slide which is a great technique to implement in the ICT teaching learning process. Before creating the simulation, I downloaded few pictures and also some of the pictures are drawn using shapes and graphics in the power-point. I also downloaded the sounds or audios that are required to put in my simulation especially the sounds of different domestic animals from music mp3 juice. Different formats of texts (fonts, text styles, text size, text colors, etc.) and pictures were also inserted in order to make the learning material effective and more standard. Different kinds of animations and transactions were also created for the learning material to be lively. Once I finished creating animations, I went to animation pane and adjusted the timing and effects of the animation where I kept as 'after previous' option. When I put everything in after previous option, everything is coming one after another smoothly. To insert background music, I went to Google then from music juice, I downloaded a piece of music called New day kids song. Then I inserted the downloaded music in my slides and kept the option for the song to be played starting from the beginning of the animation in the slide till the end of it by going to the animation panel and dragging it before all the animations inserted before. I hid the voice icon by using the hide during show option from the playback option. After that, I recorded the slides by using the option called start recording from the beginning which can be found in record slideshow under the slideshow toolbar. I set the background music to low and my voice to high which will help students to understand the lesson with audibility.

How to use this in teaching and learning?

This simulation can be used when the teacher wants to teach students about domestic animals. By using this simulation, teachers can enhance students’ learning on this topic more effectively and more efficiently. This is because unlike when the teacher simply tells students about what it means by domestic animals and how domestic animals are helpful to us. This simulation will help students to kill boredom hence it helps them learn better since there are plenty of pictures, varieties of texts, colours, animations, and voice narration. After students finish watching the simulation, they can even go further with their learning about the topic and can be able to tell about other domestic animals which are not included in this simulation. This type of simulation helps students to retain their knowledge for a longer duration.  




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5th ICT content-material (June)

The link provided below will access the children to the learning material: Domestic animals Class:  II Subject:  English Procedures for crea...