Monday, May 17, 2021

5th ICT content-material (June)

The link provided below will access the children to the learning material:

Domestic animals

Class: II

Subject: English

Procedures for creating content based-material

I constructed the simulation using power-point. This simulation is mainly designed for class two students subject English. Domestic animal is the topic that I chose from English subject for students to know more about domestic animals and to make the class engaging and interesting. I have made the simulation in one slide which is a great technique to implement in the ICT teaching learning process. Before creating the simulation, I downloaded few pictures and also some of the pictures are drawn using shapes and graphics in the power-point. I also downloaded the sounds or audios that are required to put in my simulation especially the sounds of different domestic animals from music mp3 juice. Different formats of texts (fonts, text styles, text size, text colors, etc.) and pictures were also inserted in order to make the learning material effective and more standard. Different kinds of animations and transactions were also created for the learning material to be lively. Once I finished creating animations, I went to animation pane and adjusted the timing and effects of the animation where I kept as 'after previous' option. When I put everything in after previous option, everything is coming one after another smoothly. To insert background music, I went to Google then from music juice, I downloaded a piece of music called New day kids song. Then I inserted the downloaded music in my slides and kept the option for the song to be played starting from the beginning of the animation in the slide till the end of it by going to the animation panel and dragging it before all the animations inserted before. I hid the voice icon by using the hide during show option from the playback option. After that, I recorded the slides by using the option called start recording from the beginning which can be found in record slideshow under the slideshow toolbar. I set the background music to low and my voice to high which will help students to understand the lesson with audibility.

How to use this in teaching and learning?

This simulation can be used when the teacher wants to teach students about domestic animals. By using this simulation, teachers can enhance students’ learning on this topic more effectively and more efficiently. This is because unlike when the teacher simply tells students about what it means by domestic animals and how domestic animals are helpful to us. This simulation will help students to kill boredom hence it helps them learn better since there are plenty of pictures, varieties of texts, colours, animations, and voice narration. After students finish watching the simulation, they can even go further with their learning about the topic and can be able to tell about other domestic animals which are not included in this simulation. This type of simulation helps students to retain their knowledge for a longer duration.  




Sunday, May 9, 2021

Simulated Solar System (4th Content-based learning material)-For May month

The link given below will access the students to the simulated material:

Microsoft Power-point as a constructive tool.

Constructive tool is a general purpose too that can be used to manipulate information, construct their own knowledge or visualize students understanding. It fosters thinking and creates motivation and independent learners. I have used PPT as one of the constructive tools to create this “simulation.” A simulation is an imitation of some real thing, state affairs, or process.

Process of creating the learning material

I have created the simulation based on the topic ‘Solar Eclipse’ for class VI science students which there included in their curriculum. I have created this simulation using only one slide which includes all the process of occurrence solar eclipse.

1.    First, before creating the simulation, I have selected the topic “Solar eclipse” from class VI science text book.

2.     I searched information on solar eclipse.

3.    I then downloaded the pictures and gif related to the topic.

4.    I downloaded the music for my simulation using MP3 juice from google.

5.    I drew the picture of the sun and the moon on the ppt by with the help of videos in U-tube.

6.    After that, completing my diagram, I then started to add text explaining how solar eclipse occurs.

7.    I added my added my gif which related to the solar eclipse occurrence.

8.    Then I have a picture of solar eclipse occurrence followed by questions.

9.    I inserted texts, drawing, gif, pictures and questions in sequence but for the first topic I kept on click after that I set the animation on “after previous”, so that it will appear in sequential order and I have set time for each animation.

10.I have added background music only on the drawing part where I have shown the how solar eclipse occurs along with explanation.


Why I created the simulated learning material?

I created this simulation because this can help students to visually see and hear how the solar eclipse occurs. It can give them broader understanding of the concept and keep them keep interested on the topic due to presence of animations and music.




Saturday, May 1, 2021

Learning "Transportation" through media player (3rd content based learning material)


Class: VI

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Moving around and keeping in touch

Objectives of the material:

After referring to the learning material (watching video), each child will be able to:

v  tell why people travel.

v  describe the modes of transport people use to travel.

v  describe the different means of communication.


How did I create the content based material?

To make this material, I have used textboxes and word styles, shapes and colors. I have also used animations using custom animation and effects, to make movements of all modes of transportation. To have successful simulation for that, various kinds of custom animations were used such as adding effects (effect options), set timing for appearance of each animated objects in the slideshow.

In the first slide, I have used a textbox to insert the definition of the key term ‘transportation’. Then I formatted the sentence using the ‘word style’. Animations of the text were done using the custom animation, adding effects of the text by ‘box entrance’. I kept the text to ‘start with previous’ appearance on slideshow. Also, there were effect options, so I changed the elements of the effect and timing could also be changed at the same time.

In the following slides, I included each mode of transport that is land transport, air transport and water transport where I drew a car and the road, an aero plane and sky, ship and water, on which it moves. Different shapes (circle, cylinder, and manual input from flow chart and colors were used while creating the pictures. After completion of the drawings, I made the pictures move by animating the parts of the objects using ‘custom animation’. Then, I inserted the sound effects of all mode of transport in the presentation.

The sounds/audios of each means of transport were inserted accordingly from which I had downloaded from the Mp3 juice link. I downloaded the sound effects of vehicle moving as well as horn, aero plane flying sound effect, horses neighing and galloping sounds, telephone ringing audio, radio playing songs, etc. I really enjoyed searching for those sound effects and inserting them in my power point for the learning. Out of many sound effects, I had to select the best suitable and authentic sounds/audios for teaching the children appropriately.

At last, I went to the ‘file menu’, and did ‘save as’ as ‘windows media player’ which converted my simulated learning material to a video lesson. Then I saved the file in the ‘desktop’ and inserted the video file in the blog.


How to use the material?

Since I have created the material as a video lesson, the children will watch the video thoroughly and will learn about different modes of transportation through the video. It will be used during the whole learning process such as during the lesson introduction, lesson development and lesson closure. The material can be used for all the learning process while students need to refer to the learning material to carry out the learning activity properly.


Learning Activity


1.      List the names of the modes of transport.

2.      Write the benefits of each means of transport.

3.      List the disadvantages of each means of transportation.

4.      What are the means of communication?

5.      What means of communication do you use the most?

6.      Describe about your favourite means of transportation. Explain why you like it. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Teaching WEATHER for class II (2nd content based material)

I have chosen the topic "Weather" for grade two students which is very interesting to teach and will engage the children learning about it in the class. 

The objectives of the learning material are:

ü children can identify and describe the factors of various types of weather (sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy, etc.) using the names of the weather.

ü  children can compare the factors of different types of weather and identify similarities and differences.

ü  describe the weather in their own words.

ü  draw the different kinds o weather.

Process of designing the learning material:

For this lesson, I have used shapes, colors, word formats, pictures from Google for my learning materials. I drew the sun, clouds, trees, houses, mountains, sky, rainfall, etc. with the shapes that are in the features of the power-point. Different kinds of shapes and clip-arts were inserted and designed using needed colours according to the required features of the weathers.

I made animations of different kinds of weather using different animation panes, effects, creating timing, editing the paths of the movements of each objects in the slides. Having done with the creation of animations in each weather’s features, I downloaded the sounds of the different weathers i.e., sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy and snowy from the music juice link and inserted the sounds required for the weather or day (birds chirping/singing during the sunny day/weather, cloudy day’s sounds for cloudy weather, trees swaying sound for windy day/weather, sounds of rainfall during the rainy day/weather, and snow-falling sounds effect for snowy day/weather).

Completing with those processes, I recorded my voice using Camtasia Studio app in the power-point to make voice over presentation to explain the weather to my students. I uploaded the video that I had made by recording the voice in the power-point in the Camtasia Studio and edited the video in it. Then, the video was exported to local file and uploaded to the blog. 

They will watch the video lesson (learning material) carefully and listen to talks about the weather in the video to be able to complete the learning activity that they are given.


How to carry out the activity?

The children after watching the video lesson (learning material), they will be asked to draw different kinds of weather in their own in a similar way. To carry out their task, they will be required to think or remember of the days/ that they have experience or the different weathers that they have experienced in their life (of snowy, windy, cloudy, sunny, rainy, etc.)

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Content-based Material on Subtraction for grade II

Content-based materials description:

I have created a content-based material using ICT tools such as laptop and phone, internet, etc. The materials used are pictures and graphics, shape, colours. The topic that I chose was "Subtraction" for grade two since during that stage, kids are bound to learn and explore about 'Subtraction' (taking away, left over, decreasing, reducing, etc). To teach the class two kids the Subtraction, firstly I drew a small scene of a beautiful village and the pets (cats) as most of the kids tend to often see the cats around their village or home and adopting pet is a common culture in most of the community. Also, kids that age are more likely to love the pets so boosting their interest in learning the topic using the object that they love to see. Using the pets (cats) as the symbols for representing the numbers that are required to find the difference (subtraction), I was intended to teach my grade two students the clear concept of Subtraction successfully.

I have voice recorded the whole process of doing the subtraction using the animation tools from the power-point presentation which is provided beneath: 

For the learning activities, I have designed the pictures and shapes using the ICT tools where I gave few questions with clear word problems so that children can understand the questions properly as given below:

Learning Activity:


  • Teacher will give the children with pictorial word questions regarding subtraction.
  • Students will see the pictures and solve the questions using the any subtraction strategies taught by the teacher before.
  • Looking at the pictures, kids will subtract and with the help of shapes and graphics, provide a correct answer.
  • Children will fill up the blank of the answers provided in the picture.
  • After the completion of the activity, students will be required to send their work through teacher’s email.
  • The activity should be all due before the next class.  






Friday, March 12, 2021

My Biography

I am Thinley Yangzom from Paro College of Education pursuing a bachelor's of education in the primary. My homeland is Pemagatshel on the eastern side of Bhutan. I was given birth in a very remote place called Duwang under Khar geog. I came from a humble family where we practice Buddhism and lead a traditional way of Bhutanese lifestyle. My mother-tongue is a pure Sharchop and wherever I go, I tend to speak Sharchop except with other lingual friends. 
With the completion of high school from Nangkor Central School at Pemagatshel in 2016, I was enrolled here in Paro College happily since 2017. Feeling excited, I am here for about four years now, so I hope I will be graduated in this mid-year as expected. Though I must be extremely missing this place for sure after this year, I am wishing to get a placement in and around Paro as a teacher if I can pass the Royal Civil Service Commission. 

Singing is my passion and I always am enthusiastic to learn more about music and songs. I do not hope to be a singer in a crowd or to be a popular one, but I want to be a person with whom people around me can share their joy and sadness with my songs. Further my biggest dream is to be a good daughter to my mother who has always showered me with her genuine love and support throughout my life. She always has great regard for me in her heart and I always will never let her down and will do my best to give everything to her in the near future. Though I do not have both parents, she always plays a double-role (mother and father) in giving me everything I need. For me, my family is my priority and I only want to live my life for them. Therefore, I really need to achieve the hope of becoming a responsible daughter by trying my best in everything I do. 

5th ICT content-material (June)

The link provided below will access the children to the learning material: Domestic animals Class:  II Subject:  English Procedures for crea...